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NWT Ep100 New Year Lazy

NWT Ep100 New Year Lazy

This week Wade talks about how most people have big goals for the new year but never start on day one. Then he takes a look at emotional intelligence and how to be better at it. After that he finishes out on explaining a weird fever dream he had. Links are down below.

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This Week's Links:

·         https://www.inc.com/justin-bariso/emotional-intelligence-how-to-control-emotions-25-5-rule-5-minute-rule-mental-health.html

·         Intro & Outro By Teknoaxe Royalty Free Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgf00GvfFQVsYBA7V7RwUw

NWT Ep101 Shower Shoes

NWT Ep101 Shower Shoes

NWT Ep99 Keeping Secrets

NWT Ep99 Keeping Secrets